Act 5, Scene 3

Act 5, Scene 3

Romeo and Balthasar arrive at the cemetery and head toward the Capulets tomb where Paris and Page are visiting replacing the flowers. Paris and Page spot a torch coming towards them (Romeo and Balthasar) and hide in the darkness to see who the intruders are. Romeo instructs Balthasar to return back to the cemetery doors and begins to open the tomb with the crowbar. Paris and Page jump out to find him breaking into the vault and realise it is Romeo, the banished boy that killed Tybalt “This is that banish’d haughty Montague, That murder’d my love’s cousin, with which grief “. Paris sends Page to fetch the watch man and  they start to fight but soon after Romeo kills Paris and proceeds breaking into the vault. Once in Romeo lays paris with the other dead Capulets and joins Juliet on her death bed as he drinks the poison. Friar Lawrence and Balthasar appear but they are too late to save Romeo, Juliet rises from her deep sleep to find Romeo dead beside her she picks up his dagger and stabs herself. The chief watchman and Page appear and see the bloody vault and sends Page to bring the Prince, the Capulets and the Montagues to the scene. The Capulets and the Prince arrive confused about the situation when Montague appears with a frantic looks on his face claiming that his wife has just died from grieving and sees his son Romeo dead. Friar Lawrence recalls and reveals what had just happened and the plan for the two lovers to run away after giving the Prince the letter that was originally for Romeo. At this confession Capulet and Montague realise that it was their hatred toward each other that caused the incident and agree to end their rivalry. “For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo”.

Act 5, Scene 2

Act 5, Scene 2

Friar John goes to Friar Lawrence’s cell to tell him that Romeo didn’t receive the letter about the plan as there was a plague in Mantua, so Friar John wasn’t allowed in and couldn’t deliver the letter. With this information Friar Lawrence must go to the vault to await Juliet’s awakening and fix the situation. “Now must I to the monument alone, within this three hours will fair Juliet wake”.

Act 4 Scene 4 and 5

Act 4, scene 4&5

The servants at the Capulets are running round the house on Wednesday morning preparing for the wedding. As Juliet isn’t up yet Capulet sends the Nurse to wake her up. The Nurse tries to wake Juliet and realises she is dead “alas alas! help,help! my lady’s dead!” and alerts the rest of the family. Friar Lawrence appears and takes her to the church for the funeral.

Act 4, Scene 2

Act 4, Scene 2&3

Juliet arrives home from the church and is told the wedding has been moved forward to Wednesday, after pretending to apologise to Capulet. The Nurse and Juliet head to her room to prepare for the marriage the next day. Lady Capulet attempts to join them but Juliet insist that they both leave her alone for the rest of the night to proceed with the scheme. After worrying about the plan Juliet drinks the potion and falls into a deep sleep “here,s drink-I drink to thee”.


Act 4 Scene 1

Act 4 Scene 1

Friar Lawrence’s plan:

Juliet is to go to sleep alone on Wednesday night and drink the potion Friar Lawrence gave her. The potion will slow down her heart rate and make her appear dead with cold, pale skin, the effect will last 42 hours. On Thursday morning the Capulets will see Juliet and think she is dead, her seemingly dead body will be taken to the Capulet’s family tomb and left there. Friar Lawrence will inform Romeo of the plan and when she wakes the two will be awaiting her in the vault. Romeo and Juliet will then have the chance to escape. She must be brave if the plan is going to succeed.

Act 3 Scene 5

The Capulets  and the nurse are up in Juliet’s room, after Romeo has just left, telling her she will marry Paris that week on Thursday but Juliet refuses this request. Capulet is disgraced at this remark and tells Juliet he wants nothing to do with her if she doesn’t marry Paris on Thursday. ” I tell the what: get thee to church a’Thursday Or never after look me in the face”  but Juliet still denies his offer. As Capulet and Lady Capulet leave Juliet asks for the nurse’s advice on the situation and pretends to agree with considering marrying Paris, but inside she knows it will never happen and considers her options either marrying Paris or taking her own life. As the nurse and her parents were no help to her she decides to see Friar Lawrence for advice of choosing between the two painful options.