Macbeth Act 2

Macbeth Act 2

Act 2, Scene 1

On a dark moonless, and star lacking night, a wrestles Macbeth cannot sleep and bumps into Banquo and his son Fleance (holding a sword in protection of Macbeth’s plans to become king) who are also wondering round the castle. Under a fake act of friendliness they chat about the witches and plan to revisit the subject another time. Macbeth (alone) presents a soliloquy about how he is seeing a vision of a dagger, covered in blood, reaching toward him. “is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?”


Act 2, Scene 2

Macbeth goes off to murder king Duncan while Lady Macbeth drugs the guards. Macbeth returns from killing king Duncan and is paranoid and disturbed about is actions as he heard a voice inside his head telling him that he would never rest peacefully. Macbeth forgot to return the daggers and cover the guards with blood he the refuses to do so an angry Lady Macbeth does so herself. “Me thought I heard a voice cry, “sleep no more!,Macbeth does murder sleep, “”.“My hands are of your colour; but i shame to wear a heart so white,”  When last Macbeth returns a knocking I heard outside the door.


Act 2, Scene 3

Lady Macbeth has framed the guards by drugging them, covering them in Duncan’s blood and planting the daggers with them. Macduff is knocking at the gates with Lenox when the porter lets them in, Macbeth has ‘awakened’ from the knocking. After opening the courtyard door only to find King Duncan dead, Macduff reports his terrible discovery to Macbeth and Lenox. The two rush in and find the king’s dead body once again (for Macbeth). King Duncan’s sons, Malcolm and Donalbain are told of the death, suspecting it was the guards who killed he king, Banquo has his suspicions. Macbeth explains why he has killed the guards. Lady Macbeth plays dumb and pretends to faint. Duncan’s son’s Malcolm and Donalbain aside express their fears of danger. “why do we hold out tongues, that most may claim this argument for ours?”

Act 2, Scene 4

Malcolm plans to flee to England, Donalbain to Ireland. An old man and Rosse discuss the murder outside the castle. Macduff joins them, reporting that Duncan’s son’s have been accused of bribing the guards and that Macbeth has set off to be crowned as King.” They were suborned. Malcolm and Donalbain, the Kings two sons, are stol’n away and fled; which puts upon them suspicion of the deed.”

Language features in Act1, Scene 5

Personification is a language feature used to give human attributes to objects or places. Throughout lady Macbeth’s speech Shakespeare uses personification to reveal her evil desires, whilst introducing the idea of a greater power to the play. An example of Shakespeare using personification in Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy is when she says  “Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark”. Whilst also using a metaphor concept here (“blanket of the dark”) Shakespeare uses personification to reveal the concept of shielding Lady Macbeth’s devious plans from a greater power. This use of personification conveys that heaven (a greater power) is lying in a bed, the dark night sky being the bed sheets. Here Lady Macbeth is willing that her plans and actions will be kept a secret, and that heaven will not ‘peep’ over the blanket nor see Lady Macbeth executing king Duncan.

Macbeth Act 1

Act 1, Scene 1

Three witches, gathered in a secluded place are plotting to meet again with Macbeth when the battle is over “Where the place? Upon the heath. There to meet with Macbeth.”

Act 1, Scene 2

We are told by a wounded soldier that Macbeth has killed Macdonwald and Rosse reports that Macbeth has also defeated the Norwegians and has the thane of Cawdor held prisoner, ready for execution.

Act 1, Scene 3

The witches meet at the heath where Macbeth and Banquo come upon them. The witches predict that Macbeth will become thane of Cawdor, then king soon after. Banquo is jealous at Macbeth’s fortune and is told by the witches that his (Banquo’s) children will also be kings, meaning that they and Banquo are somehow related to Macbeth. Macbeth only believes the witches as he is then told by Angus and Rosse that he is now thane of Cawdor. Macbeth decides that instead of killing in order to become king he will leave it up to chance. “If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me”. This is relating to fate, much like in Shakespeare’s other play, Romeo and Juliet, where Romeo says “he that hath the steerage of my course, direct my sail”.

Act 1, Scene 4

After the previous thane of Cawdor is executed from helping the Norweigeins, Malcolm (Duncan’s eldest son) is name Prince of Cumberland. Macbeth then realised that he isn’t next in line for the throne and that for him to become king he must find a way to overthrow Malcolm. “For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires;” This quote is showing that Macbeth is plotting to get rid of Malcolm and he doesn’t want anyone to see or know about his plan.

Act 1, Scene 5

After Malcolm is crowned prince of Cumberland and announced heir to the throne, Lady Macbeth is introduced. She sits in a room in Macbeth’s castle reading a letter from her husband about the witches predictions. When Lady Macbeth’s speech reveals her nature and her intentions. As she thinks that Macbeth doesn’t have the ability to kill, she wills for her feelings to disappear and decides that she will be the one to kill the king. As the king has been invited to Macbeth’s castle that night, Lady Macbeth will do the deed without anyone, including Macbeth, finding out. “Come thick night, And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, That my keen knife see not the wounds it makes”.

Act 1, Scene 6

King Duncan and Banquo arrive at Macbeth’s castle and highlights how welcoming and pleasant the castle is “this Castle hath a pleasant seat”. Lady Macbeth enters and puts on a show about how inviting and thorough she has made their visit.

Act 1, Scene 7

Macbeth reveals to Lady Macbeth that he is second guessing proceeding with the execution plan of killing king Duncan, Lady Macbeth is raged at this and goes on a rant, challenging him to be a man and take upon the job. “art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valour, as thou art in desire?” This quote from lady Macbeth is her asking Macbeth if he is really has the guts to actually kill duncan as he desires.


Act 1, Scene 5

Act 1, Scene 5

After Malcom is crowned prince of Cumberland and announced heir to the throne, Lady Macbeth is introduced. She sits in a room in Macbeths castle reading a letter from her husband about the witches predictions. When Lady Macbeths speech reveals her nature and her intentions. As she thinks that Macbeth doesn’t have the ability to kill, she wills for her feelings to disappear and decides that she will be the one to kill the king. As the king has been invited to Macbeths castle that night, Lady Macbeth will do the deed without anyone, including Macbeth, finding out. “Come thick night, And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, That my keen knife see not the wounds it makes”.

Act 1, Scene 4

Act 1, Scene 4

After the previous thane of cawdor is executed from helping the norweigeins, Malcom (duncans eldest son) is name Prince of Cumberland. Macbeth then realised that he isn’t next in line for the throne and that for him to become king he must find a way to over throw Malcom. “For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires;” This quote is showing that Macbeth is plotting to get rid of Malcom and he doesn’t want anyone to see or know about his plan.

Act 1, Scene 3

  • Act 1, Scene 3

The witches meet at the heath where Macbeth and banquo come upon them. The witches predict that Macbeth will become thane of cawdor, then king soon after. Banquo is jealous at Macbeths fortune and is told by the witches that his (banquos) children will also be kings, meaning that they and banquo are somehow related to Macbeth. Macbeth only believes the witches as he is then told by Angus and Rosse that he is now thane of cawdor. Macbeth decides that instead of killing in order to become king he will leave it up to chance. “If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me”. This is relating to fate, much like in Shakespeare’s other play, Romeo and Juliet, where Romeo says “he that hath the steetage of my course, direct my sail”.