what is magical realism

how it is explored in the book and through your techniques….. what magical realism as a genre helps convey in the book . it shows …

one technique – symbol ?

different preconceptions showed throughout the book through the use of the technique

explore one magical realism techniques and show the array ways it conveys one idea

explain how this challenging of preconceptions convey the power of words in the book

main idea is the power of words

with knowledge comes power- human existence


NCEA 2.4 Writing Folio- the book thief by Markus Zusak

QUESTION: How did Markus Zusak employ features of the genre Magical Realism to convey his ideas about human existance in his novel The Book Thief . this piece is a literary essay

How did Markus get his ideas across through the concept of magical realism

  • Lies- deliberate mis direction
  • Narrator-death: or whom
  • Molching
  • Symbol- book
  • Foreshadowing/Flashbacks
  • Dramatic irony- history

^ why do this ?

  • challenge our preconceptions: ( Role of german citizens in WWII. Removed our comfortable assumption that we would never do what Germany did. Personification of death allows us to identify with it, normalising it – reinforces extreme nature or human behaviour. -> POWER OF WORDS
  • Intro- why magical realism
  • P1a- define magical realism- explore surrealism
  • P1b- bodv pharagraph
  • P2 body pharagraph
  • P3 body pharagraph
  • conclusion



communicate ideas about words in the book thief, why theyre important, what they can do, what we can do with them. things that happen in the book which tell us something about the words etc. .

In the novel “The Book Thief” Markus Zusak forces readers to re-think our world through the use of symbols within the text. Liesel and her story is based around her … stealing books from various areas in Molching, Nazi Germany during the second world war. With each theft comes a book which Liesel reads and cherishes as a recollecting symbol of the events which she has been confronted with over the past few years. Whilst the colours presented on the covers of the books have great value to Liesel, it is through these books’ words and what they represent (expand on what the words represent and what effect they had on society in this time period*) that Markus Zusak successfully forces readers to really think about the great effect that words have in our world. “She was holding desperately onto the words who saved her.” When Molching was bombed Liesel was in the basement of her home on Himmel street writing in her book. The basement served as a shelter for Liesel which saved her life by protecting her from the bombs impact. Recognising and exploring the importance and power of words in her society saved Liesels life. (expand*) Through Liesels love for literature and language Markus Zusak has demonstrated to readers that we too must identify the importance and the power of words in our current day society in order to prevent events like WWII from arising in the future.

words have power, propaganda forces the whole country to beleive the nazi ideas..

move verbs to the beginning of the sentances

hitler uses words in an evil manner, leseil takes these words to

by looking into the past and showing us how words were manipulated we are forced into thinking about the power of words.

she didnt dare look up, but she could feel their frightened eyes hanging onto her as she hauled the words in and breathed them out- leseil reading in the basement during the ‘raid’ This shows that using words can make people understand/ relax words are sybolising speaking up to what is wrong in society.

After leseil steals the book from the book burning event in himmel street markus susak presents us with the idea that in nazi germany

“The words were thrown at the steps”- when leseil threw her book at the steps she was shut down and slapped by hans (even though he knew it was the right thing to do he did it was socially expected. happened le(what were the consequences- relate to te importance of words in society and what could happen if we dont use words and comunnicate effectively. this suggest that when we speak up and use words to express our ideas we are shut down by higher authorities because it is socially acceptable and expected .

she emptied the words out into the sink

words are used to present

words were stapled to his chest

the words werent spoken, but they were definately there (when rudy says/thinks in his mind that he will win the race.

swimming in words-burning words were torn from their sentances

a single word leaned against the girl- words can play on out ming=ds or mess with us?

forest of words …

about books …..

book burnings symbolise the suppression of books which contradict hitlers propaganda