The Book Thief revision

5. Analyse how language features were used to deepen your understanding of a theme.

the secret sat in her mouth..-personification if thoughts

You see, people may tell you that Nazi Germany was built on anti-Semitism, a somewhat overzealous leader and a nation of hate-fed bigots, but it would have all come to nothing had the Germans not loved one particular activity – to burn.”

“When she came to write her story, she would wonder exactly when the books and the words started not just to mean something, but everything. Was it when she first set eyes on the room with shelves and shelves of them? ”

Magical realism, development of a new perspective.

personification of words

State the purpose of what the text is for before you go intot rh details of the text. what is the text about and how does it convey its meaning. restate the question

Intro: Name the text, the author, the theme, and the techniques used to convey the theme.

In his novel, “The Book Thief”, Markus Zusak communicates his ideas about the vulnerability of all societies to colluding in atrocities by re-framing the events of the Nazi Holocaust in the mid-20th century. Like many texts in the genre of Magical Realism, a variety of techniques are used by Zusak to help the reader to look at something familiar with new eyes. By symbolising books in the novel, Zusak successfully forces readers to challenge their perspectives on the power that words have in our society.





body 1- the word shaker
In the novel zusak uses metaphor to convey the manipulative power of words. He does this by exposing readers to the events of the time period. The Führer Decided that he would rule the world with words. “I will never fire a gun” He said “I will not have to”… His first plan of attack was to plant the words in as many areas of his homeland as possible… It was a nation of farmed thoughts’. In Max’s story “the word shaker” we are shown how words were manipulatively used to sway a nation. By restricting the nation from influential texts, Hitler was able to rule the nation with words. By “planting” his book Mien Kampf into the venerable society of nazi Germany, Hitler successfully Gained dictatorship and power over the nation.

Body 2- “she was holding desperately onto the words who saved her life’
By exploring Liesel’s relationship with books in the novel, Zusak forces readers to rethink how books and language influence people in their own society. We while Zusak displays the negative aspect of words, he also conveys how language has the power to heal. “She was holding desperately onto the words who saved her life”. He does this in order to show how words also had the power to heal the characters of the novel, further communicating the potential positive impact of words in our society.

the history of how hitler manipulated a nation with the use of words. During WWII Nazism belifs and practices were promoted to the german society through manipulative methods of propaganda and restriction of influential texts. In Max’s book “the word shaker”, Zusak communicates Hitlers manipulative actions to gain dictatorship and power. ‘ He identified their power allowing him to use words to his advantage. The seed which allowed him to become powerful was his book “Mein Kampf”

In the novel Zusak uses personification to convey the manipulative power of words in our society. By displaying how these books impact the characters of the novels venerable society readers are shown the harm that language can cause in our current day society.

Body 3
thoughts of the novels’ characters have also been oersonified to

beneath her shirt a book was eating her up


how has it made you reflect on the world that you know. make a statement about the bigger authors intention. used these techniques of magical realism to communicate the second world war, discuss the text and how effective it has bee at what is was made to communicate.